Safe Refuge

I have seen it again. A great amount of fear rising upwards the atmosphere.

In my mind, I could've simply shrugged the thought off but the feeling of anxiety stealthily crouched at the entrance of my door. I am appalled at its presence. Minutes later, the heaviness in my heart manifested.

I struggled at tracking my train of thoughts.

Usually, I am calm and a great sense of peace accompanies me as I confront each panic attack. This time, however, I was so numb and distressed at what's happening with the world. I'm starting to get lost as I found myself, swelling with questions.

Where are the words that I knew were true? Where is the hope that moves my heart to pray? Why am I responding this way when I should've already known the truth? Is my faith, not enough?

Suddenly, as if in response, a gentle knocking came into my heart. I pause for a while and tried to catch up my breath. A resolve builds up and I found the need to stand against the arrows that are attacking my identity. I felt an inner wind and a soothing presence calmed my demeanor.

I saw Him again with His words resonating in my heart:

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine.”
Isaiah 43:1

I take courage in the victory of His nearness. He never fails to teach my heart how to respond even in the midst of crisis. And just like what a song says, He doesn't have to come, but He always do!

Image Source: WoonBing


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